Sunday, January 29, 2012

Timing is everything.

It's not what happens that matters, it's when it happens that makes the situation.

Like giving birth, once your pregnant you know birth is going to happen, that's not what you are anxious about most... your anxious about when it happens.
Like death, it's going to happen no doubt, but when.

Like dating that special girl and you get so nervous with your ring in the pocket because you want the timing to be perfect.

That moment that you shift from 1st to 2nd gear in the big race. If you miss it, you miss that lead position.

Did you know there is a theory that the order in which you were born into your family has a big impact on who you are today?

Timing is everything.

I've been battling in a war within myself for a few years now. It seems timing has been a soldier on both sides.
I've decided to use timing against myself in little ways to start a battle that I have been procrastinating.
I feel like I will win the war in great proportions if timing is on my side.
The word I've been ignoring? SCHEDULE.
I have my kids on a pretty set schedule, it's flexible enough for spontaneity but structured enough for well balanced kiddos.
I, however, have not had myself on a schedule in years. Since before Aidan even.
I believe it is the key to my renewing.
So here it is. Like it or not (and I don't) my new schedule.

420am- Get up with husband. His day starts then, mine needs to too.
445am- see him off to work
446am- DO NOT GET BACK IN BED. Rather eat some breakfast, take my vitamins and do something other then relaxing. Do something that takes effort.
I'm thinking I can use this time to put away the dishes from the wash the night before. Start a new load of laundry, fold whats done. Organize the pictures off my iphone into their respective picture folder on my laptop...
I may even decide to use this time to do my low impact step aerobics.
As long as it's mind stimulating I need to do it. I need to be ready and alert for the day by the time the kids get up between 730-8am.
Once they are up it's breakfast time, followed by showers and getting dressed.
At this point I have no idea what we'll do. Aidan no longer goes to school due to intense car problems so it's time to get creative. No movies and no long periods of free play. (free play ends up in a great mess and bored cranky kids)
1200 noon- Lunch time and then nap time for 2 hours afterwards.
Insert more creativity until Josh gets home around 5:30pm in which I already have supper cooking. After supper it's playtime/rough house/sillyness until bedtime at 7pm.
After they are in bed depending on the night will be determined whether I will go to the gym for a cycling class or if Josh and I will spend the evening doing some of the things we love.
My goal is to be sleeping by 9pm.
Since I am in the 1st trimester of pregnancy I am hoping my long war with insomnia will have a peace treaty going at least for a few weeks.

I'm going to do my best. I need to. I need to feel comfortable in my own body and in my own head again. For myself and for our little (ever growing) family.

Because timing is everything.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pretties half existed

small sweet flowers on top of candy colored ribbon clipped in her soft hair.

Pretties. Or at least that's what they are in our home.
hair clips nontheless.

Teagan has been very fortunate to recieve many handmade ones by a very close friend and her Aunt. However as time goes by and they get chewed on, mangled, misplaced, food on them ect I feel the want to make her some more rather then asking those sweet ladies for more.

So I did it... well yeah about that.
When we were at Dongdaemun (textile mexaplex) I got some of these kind of clips and some of those kind of clips. These and those flowers, a plethora of ribbon and some gems. Then the next weekend I got a glue gun and some glue.
That was 2 weeks ago.
It's all still in the bag.

The good news is...
I was going to blog about how it was yet another project gone on the shelf BUT as I was writing I decided to google such pretties. And now 4-6 "how to instructions" later I have motivation back! Whoot! haha. I'll post a few pictures when I've made some.

On other note.
I drank 3 water bottles...

This week. (no lie... I am THAT bad at liquid intake)

But I have only had one "treat" a day, which is a single serving of icecream after the kids go to bed. (oh I lied, I also had 2 starbursts today)
AND I have been eating MUCH better during the day. Real oatmeal and raisins for breakfast, homemade turkey wraps with a side of raw almonds and dried apricots for lunch and a reasonable dinner.
I however have not touched the cupboard or made a kids drawer....

(I guess the question is "What HAVE I done this week?")

::shakes head::

Monday, January 2, 2012

Intimidated and overwhelmed

Have heathy eating habits in 21 days!
Ditch the Drive thru!
Smart ways to SLIM down!
Eat what you love & lose those unwanted pounds!
Clean eating action plan!
Eat Well LOSE weight!
slimmed down slow cooker!

Then I saw it. DIET.
No. Huh uh. Not going there.
IMO (in my opinion) Dieting is crap. Stupid. Useless.

We have decided, well trying to decide, how to eat healthier this year. I do not want to diet, nor do I feel like that's my answer. I want to eat my way into a healthier lifestyle not eat a new fad.
To quote a dear friend, "I'm not an emotional eater, I'm just an eater". That couldn't be any more true if she was describing me. Everyday I stare at 30lbs I never intended to have. 30lbs that could have been easily avoided if I hadn't eaten them to begin with. Some say "but you just had a baby! It's no big deal!" only for my answer of "my prior 2 babies I ate better, healthier and the lbs never lingered".... nontheless, they are there AND no matter what is said to me about them. I want them gone.
So in order to start this new way of living I grabbed 3 or 4 "Better eating" food/health magazines, to get some pointers of where to start and some low calorie recipes to help ease us into. I read everyone from front to back only to be in what seemed to be a better eating coma not knowing where to start, where to go, what to buy.
Every recipe (ok so not EVERY one) was at least 14 ingredients with spices I've never heard of and entree's with funny names.
I have a hundred different things to think about when looking at the nutrition label.
Did you know that there is a LONG grocery list of "health food staples" that should always be in your cabinet?
Oh and the food guide pyramid is now a plate showing portion size?

I feel like I'm drowning in a pool that I have yet put my toes in.
But I need to brave the water and just get in. Even if it takes a few mins to fully submerge.
This week my goals are:
  • Clean out all the "snacks"
  • Make a Only for the Kids area where the cookies and treats will be stored. They still can have them, in moderation of course.
  • Reorganize my cupboards
  • Choose 3 new reasonable recipes to try.
  • MOST important, WATER WATER WATER! Like I said I'm an eater... I don't do liquids of any kind very well. So I'm setting a timer, every time it goes off I need to drink a whole bottle of water.
This list ^^^ isn't so intimidating. These goals are reasonable
I've gotta start somewhere.

A gale; a storm; a hurricane

Wind: (n) air in natural motion.
It consists on many levels. 10 min thunderstorms to sunny, breezy afternoons.
Winds are commonly classified by their spatial scale, their speed, the types of forces that cause them, the regions in which they occur, and their effect.
Wind has influenced the events of history, it's shaped landforms, it provides power source, and in a single gust it can destroy trees and man made objects.
Without a doubt wind is hard to harness, hard to schedule, hard to anticipate.

It's very comparable to life and it's events, isn't it?

At least it is to mine. To ours. The Tabb 5 (current)

Where is this wind of life going to take us this year. Where is it going to take me?
This past year brought me Killian and 30lbs I hate to look at. (however he was worth it)
This past year brought me friends that I love and cherish and a realization of self-loneliness.
This past year brought my marriage to a higher level then I ever thought imaginable.
So many things to look forward to this year. A new home, a new way of living, a fight to win within myself and perhaps a pregnancy?

Looking at the forecast wondering when the tornado will touch down and when is a good time to sit in the sun. on the porch. feeling the breeze.

No matter which direction it blows, I have us. I have him. And I have them, the Tabblets 3.